Painfully Cold
By Krysta Bell
It's so cold it hurts.
Aching fingers, chilling cheeks;
if I laugh to hard my teeth freeze.
My eyes squint, fingers go numb.
It's so lonely;
No dogs to play with, break a trail
or chase away this lonely mind.
The harsh wind mutes my thoughts.
The sun peers through the clouds,
only to be mocked by a desolate world.
Each step I take is a new found frustration,
for the deep snow confines my tired limbs.
I lay back in the snow beneath me.
Arch my back, bend my knee,
the perfect temporary seat,
shielded from the wind.
I stare at the clouded sky,
absorbed in my mind,
caught up in the city,
illusioned into thinking I am busy.
The snow gets pushed into dirty piles,
and the sidewalk become an uneven trail.
Snow falls patiently,
Only to become slush under our tires.
I prefer the wind,
I enjoy the treachery,
When it is silent.
I miss the good old days,
I miss my dog,
I feel the triumph in my sore muscles,
and strength in my face.
Effort is a terrible thing to waste!
Krysta Bell ~ 2000
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Table Of Contents:
Introducing New Businesses and Ad Renewals!
Christopher Pielstick has the Right Solutions for Your Shop!
Courtney & Company
Courtney & Company is a Powerful Duo
that Contracts Incredible Musical Performances!
Local Events from our Inspired Businesses!
DreamScape Consciousness
DreamScape Consciousness Fall Retreat!
Are you curious about Dream Analysis,
Past Life Cellular Healing, and Personal Symbolism?
New Leaf Nursery
Fall Festival! October 7-9, Family-Friendly event
with local food trucks, kid activities, and a petting zoo!
King Realty
Fall Festival! September 23, Family-Friendly event
with live music, food, games and fun!
Promotions From Our Inspired Businesses!
Marketing Coach
We offer you our very own Marketing Coach.
We help build you build your own: campaign strategy, ad, and website!
Coffee of the Month
Pack River Sunrise ~ Dark Blend
With a calm sun rise over the meandering waters of the Pack River,
these dark roasted south American beans
make a great cup from sun-up to sun-down.
Exciting News!
Now Accepting New Clients for October!
Check Out Our Website!
Gratitude Gratitude Love
Kristy / Krysta Bell / Krissy Bear