Welcome to Earth Tending!
Introducing Businesses from The North West, Idaho Panhandle, Online Businesses,
Especially Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls & Spokane.
Contact Kristy 208-625-0885 or earthtendinga@gmail.com

I offer Heartfelt Sermons of Positivity, Inspiration, and Insight.
I am Passionate about listening to Peoples Troubles & Triumphs.
I offer Consultations & Celebrations Unique to Your Beliefs!
Spiritual Mentoring is an Investment in:
Your Self
Your Dreams
Your Goals
Your Past
Your Present
Your Future
Honoring Your Spiritual Space!

Community Gatherings
A Safe Space Where We:Seek to Understand,We Care about People,We Give the Freedom to do Great Things,We Appreciate One Another.
A Community Gathering where You are Invited to Speak Your Unique Spiritual Language.

Mini Retreats
You Spend so much time doing for others, it is important to have moments that are all about You!

One-on-One Mentoring
Who do You Choose to Be?
What do You Want in Life?
What do You Need Right Now?
Often, we have our own answers
we just need to be heard and inspired!